9 Traveling Tours for Lazy People

If you have ever gone to bed the night before an early flight and thought to yourself, “I’ll pack in the morning,” this story is for you. Make the boring pieces of traveling (like packaging and coordinating) easier on yourself by simply following these traveling hacks for idle people.

Do Not Unpack Your Suitcase


The things you need just while you are traveling should stay stashed in your luggage when it is at home. I leave my throat pillow, adapter, along with other travel only items in my suitcase at all times–it conserves storage space, and that I do not need to rummage around for them when it’s time for my next trip. That’s fewer things I have to unpack when I return home–ideal for those feeling planted following an awesome adventure.

Get TSA Pre-Check


Who wants to deal with the bother of getting shoes off and digging out liquids in airport security? Not idle travelers. If you have TSA Pre-Check you can save time and hassle by maintaining your shoes on and your fluids in your bag. Plus, you won’t have to take out your electronics .

Be Last On, Last Off the Plane


If you don’t need overhead distance, being the last one to board a plane and the previous one to eliminate is an superb lazy travel hack. You can unwind at the gate, charging your phone or sending last-minute emails while everybody else stands in elbows and line each other. When it is time to get off the airplane, you can chill on your seat while some flyers stand in the aisle for twenty minutes trying to deplane. Obviously, simply attempt this if you’re in a window seat, otherwise, you may be delaying people that really must escape  the plane.

Save a General Packing List


Use our Ultimate Packing List or make a note in your telephone next time you are packing that lists what you are bringing. You might need to swap out a duvet for a business suit, however the standard essentials (toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.) will stay the same, and also you can see at a glance what you need to bring.

Treat Yourself to Room Service


SmarterTravel’s Ed Hewitt writes, “A little-known fact about room providers is that the rates are almost always the same as those from the restaurant; in actuality, it’s normally the exact same menu.” If you are feeling too lazy to venture out for a meal, you might as well order in–it probably won’t charge you more.

Use a Hop-On, Hop-Off Bus


You will see Hop-On, Hop-Off tour buses in many cities around the world, and they’re a great way to orient yourself at a new destination. Buying a pass might be worth it because you can use them beyond the conventional tour when you are feeling too lazy for public transit or taxi–in case you are heading somewhere close to the road, take the bus instead of walking. You’ll save taxi fare along with your feet.

Never Unpack Your Own Toiletries Kit


I use travel-sized containers for each my toiletries and simply refill the individual bottles at home when I’m running low–what else doesn’t have to be packed and unpacked every moment. Bonus: Replenish your kit with hotel-provided amenities that are perfectly travel-sized next time you stay someplace good.

Novel an All-Inclusive Resort


Some can call all-inclusive resorts “lazy,” but others will call them “relaxing” If the concept of placing on a beach and having unlimited meals and beverages brought to you sounds more appealing than appalling, then go ahead and reserve yourself a comprehensive for your next vacation. You won’t need to be concerned about exploring where you consume, figuring out how to get locations, or organizing actions on your own–the hotel will do it all for you.

Purchase a City Pass


Most major cities offer some type of city pass for people, which normally includes museum admissions, public transport access, and entrance to popular tourist attractions. These passes not only help save you money, but also time and planning–you won’t need to figure out how to buy tickets by yourself.

What is your very best travel hack for people that are lazy? Comment below.

Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2017. It has been updated to reflect the most current details.