9 Pinterest Packing Hacks to Try on Your Next Trip

I love a good packaging hack, which is why I spend hours- and space-saving packing tricks. Listed below are conflicting viral Pinterest packaging hacks using items. All are super easy to do and helpful.

P.S. Follow us on Pinterest for more awesome ideas like these.

Pinterest Packing Hacks With Household Things

  1. Use a hardsided sunglasses instance to arrange phone wires and chargers.
  2. Use a classic mint container to keep earbuds untangled.
  3. Shop cotton swabs and bobby pins in an empty pill bottle.
  4. Use a shower cap to cover dirty shoes.
  5. Put a cotton mat in compact makeup to stop cracking.
  6. Protect your razor blade with a binder clip.
  7. Use a clothespin to get a toothbrush holder to maintain off your toothbrush germy counters.
  8. Shop fluids which you simply need a small amount of in a contact case.
  9. Put a dryer sheet in sneakers so that they do not stink up the remainder of your bag.